Planet First Green

Lead Alloy

Lead is very soft and ductile, it is normally used Commercially as lead alloys. Antimony is a relatively soft Metal that is most commonly used to increase the hardness and strength as in storage battery grids, sheet, pipe, and castings. Antimony contents of lead-antimony alloys can range from 2 to 5%.

Lead-calcium alloys:

Lead-calcium alloys have now considered alternative of lead-antimony alloys in a number of applications, in particular, storage battery grids and casting applications. These alloys contain 0.02 to 0.16% Ca. More recently, aluminium has been added to calcium-lead and calcium-tin-lead alloys as a stabilizer for calcium. Adding tin to lead or lead alloys increases hardness and strength

Lead-Tin alloys:

Lead-Tin alloys are more commonly used for their good melting, casting, and wetting properties, as in type metals and solders. The electronics industry requires low-melting solders to protect heat-sensitive components, An Alloy Terne metal of Lead typically 10 to 15 percent tin resistant product that is widely used for automobile gasoline tanks, packaging, roofing, and other uses where lead’s favourable properties are sought but a reduced total weight is desired. Tin gives the alloy the ability to wet and bond with metals such as steel and copper; unalloyed lead has poor wetting characteristics. Tin combined with lead and bismuth or cadmium forms the principal ingredient of many low-melting alloys.

Lead Selenium:

Lead Selenium- use of selenium in the alloy compositions, which acted as a stabilizer for the antimony, and led to a more hardened lead with a finer, denser grain structure. These alloys contain 0.015 to 0.04% Se. This grain refinement characteristic brought by the addition of selenium created a lead alloy that was more corrosion resistant and virtually eliminated inter-granular corrosion, a common cause of battery failure. Selenium alloy gives stability under float charge, consistent cell voltage, reduced water consumption and little antimony migration also good grid density, conductivity and tensile strength with deep discharge performance.

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