Planet First Green

Pure Lead

Lead is a soft metal that resists both oxygen and acids. Lead by nature is highly electrical conductivity. Due to its unique nature Lead is extremely important for the automobiles industries, according to survey 11.50 million metric tons Lead were consumed worldwide out of that 90 percent lead produced is used to make batteries, mostly car batterie. The properties of lead that make it useful in a wide variety of applications are density, malleability, lubricity, flexibility, electrical conductivity, and coefficient of thermal expansion, all of which are quite high; and elastic modulus, elastic limit, strength, hardness, and melting point, all of which are quite low. The high density of lead (11.35 g/cm3, at room temperature) makes is also effective to protect against ionizing radiation and x-rays. Walls and ceilings in hospital x-ray rooms are therefore covered with lead. 

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